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Dear Friends,

The start of a new school year is full of hope and possibility鈥揺ven in the most challenging of circumstances. I am full of hope at the start of school this year because I believe that all children鈥搑egardless of ZIP Code or family income鈥揹eserve a quality education, and I know the private schools you lead, support, and send your children to are delivering on this promise.

The start of a new school year is also a time of change. This maxim is true here at 今晚六合彩开奖结果, too. We have grown our team and developed new resources to support the school leaders, families, and donors who make the Tax Credit Scholarship Program work. We have forged new partnerships and developed resources for advocates and allies who fight for the Invest in Kids Act. And, most importantly to me, we have made a promise to keep working hard and to get better at getting better at the things we care most about:

  1. Increasing access to quality education at scale throughout Illinois
  2. Providing best-in-class scholarship granting service and technology
  3. Protecting and expanding the Invest in Kids Act Tax Credit Scholarship Program

As I step into this new role as President, one that I am truly honored and humbled to accept, I promise that some things will not change: 今晚六合彩开奖结果 will always be of service to you in this good work, an advocate with you in the fight for quality education, and a champion of children throughout Illinois.听

Thank you for your leadership, your generosity, and for all your support.听


Anthony Holter


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